Salesforce Career Journey
February 17, 2022 (All Day Event)
Deloitte Digital's Salesforce Academy is hosting the Salesforce Career Journey, a
free,six-weekimmersive learning journeythat teaches attendees about
the world of Salesforce Consulting. Attendees will also be able toinformally
networkwith our practitioners and developresume-worthy skillson
Salesforce’s learning platform, Trailhead (with the opportunity to win prizes*)!
If you have an interest in consulting, Salesforce, or simply how
technology is changing the world, then this program is for you!**
free,six-weekimmersive learning journeythat teaches attendees about
the world of Salesforce Consulting. Attendees will also be able toinformally
networkwith our practitioners and developresume-worthy skillson
Salesforce’s learning platform, Trailhead (with the opportunity to win prizes*)!
If you have an interest in consulting, Salesforce, or simply how
technology is changing the world, then this program is for you!**
To register:
This event is facilitated by the organization and open to the general public. It is not hosted or organized by the UMBC Career Center.