Learn About Career Opportunities at GD Electric Boat
Employer in Residence: UMBC Alumnus Len Salter
Mathematics/Psychology : 201
Date & Time
March 17, 2022, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Signup for a 15 minute one-on-one session by logging into your UMBCworks account and search Events > Workshops for General Dynamics
General Dynamics Electric Boat, established in 1899, has established standards of excellence in the design, construction and lifecycle support of submarines for the U.S. Navy.
The submarine has long been the silent backbone of United States Naval supremacy. For more than 100 years, Electric Boat has designed and built these incredible machines.
Currently serving as an Engineering Supervisor at General Dynamics Electric Boat, UMBC alumnus Len Salter (’06, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) will be on-campus March 16 and 17 to speak one-on-one with UMBC students interested in learning about building electric boats! Please schedule a 15-minute conversation with Len to learn firsthand how you may be able to apply your skills to the art of nuclear submarine design, engineering and construction.
Visit Careers at General Dynamics Electric Boat to view current full-time and internship opportunities. Below are several examples:
Engineer – Propulsion Plant Fluid Systems