Intern Success Seminar (Registration closed)
Learn the benefits internships offer and how to land one!
The Commons : Skylight Room
Date & Time
November 8, 2022, 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
You've heard it before: Internships, research, and co-op experiences are a crucial part of your undergraduate experience, providing you the essential skills and experience to set you up for success when applying to a job or professional school upon graduation. But how do you land your first internship? Where do you start? How do you "sell yourself" when you are just getting started?
Attend this FREE event and learn how to land an internship and how to make the most of the experience!
The event is open to ALL undergraduate students of ALL majors! Enjoy complimentary dinner and desserts and meet other UMBC students!
Goal Setting for a Bright Future!Presenter: Joel Oppenheimer, PE, Sr. VP, STV Incorporated
Back by popular demand, Joel will offer his high-energy presentation on tips and strategies for how to set goals for career success!
UMBC Intern Panel
Hear from past UMBC interns as they share tips and advice about landing an internship and how to be a successful intern. .
This event is FREE but space is limited, so early registration is requested.
RSVP required in Handshake.
Registration deadline: Nov. 3rd
INTERN SUCCESS WEEK - Nov. 7-11, 2022
Additional (virtual) events happening during Intern Success Week!
How to Get Started in Research - Wed., Nov. 9, 12 - 1 p.m. - Online
Presented by: Dr. April Householder, Director
Office of Undergraduate Research & Prestigious Scholarships
Employer Panel - Fri., Nov. 11, 12 - 1 p.m. - Online
Come listen to a panel of employers from various industries as they share about what they look for when hiring interns and their tips for how to stand out!