Bystander Intervention Training
We need your help to reduce power-based violence at UMBC
The Center for Well-Being : 118
Date & Time
March 31, 2023, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
A green dot is any behavior, choice or action that promotes safety for everyone and communicates utter intolerance for sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. A green dot is intervening in a high-risk situation – a green dot is looking out for your friends at a party, bar, or other social situation – a green dot is hanging a prevention poster in your room – a green dot is attending a bystander intervention training – a green dot is sharing a link to your local prevention program on your social media – a green dot is wearing green dot gear. A green dot is simply your individual choice at any given moment to make our campus safer.
Your contribution is necessary. Your voice is powerful. Your commitment is our hope. Together, let’s end some violence. There’s no day like today. No one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something.
Students, staff, and faculty are welcome at this training.