Transfer Welcome Day
Calling all incoming Transfer Students!!!
University Center : Ballrooms
Date & Time
January 29, 2023, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
As Part of our traditional Welcome Week activities, this event is hosted by Off-Campus Student Services (OCSS). OCSS offers a range of services, programs, and support and aims to help transfer, commuter, adult learner and veteran students thrive during their time at UMBC, socially and academically.
Transfer Welcome Day is an annual event held before the start of each semester. We welcome our first-year transfer students to UMBC’s main campus to learn about campus resources, meet fellow students, build confidence navigating campus, and have fun. The event will take place in the University Center Ballroom. For directions on where to park and the location of the University Center see the attached photo.
Please note that this event is only for undergraduate transfer students who will be in their first semester at UMBC for Spring 2023. The event is free upon registration, it includes a free meal and t-shirt to the first 100 that register. Space is limited. To register, please use this link!