PREDOC In-Person Information Session
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The Commons : 331
Date & Time
March 30, 2023, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Have you ever considered a research career in the quantitative social sciences (QSS)? Research in QSS is highly interdisciplinary and draws scholars from disciplines such as Economics, Psychology, Mathematics, Statistics, History, Accounting, Computer Science, Sociology, Engineering, and many others. Researchers can use QSS methodologies to pose essential questions—such as whether bias can be eliminated from algorithms or the role of race in labor market outcomes—and create potential interventions. Notable economists have gone on to careers in health policy, tech, and environmental advocacy, to name a few. While the sky's the limit for economics research, emerging scholars in the field have the added benefit of knowing that a QSS research track leads to plentiful and well-paid opportunities. Not to mention that the academic pipeline in the quantitative social sciences comes with a lot more built-in monetary support than other educational paths.
But where to start? PREDOCS'S Research Careers Information Session will
provide some answers. PREDOC is a group of research institutions working on expanding access to QSS pre-doctoral positions—funded research jobs that help further an individual's preparedness for graduate research. Increasingly recent BA graduates are choosing this route instead of an MA, since pre- docs are full-time paid positions that give students first-hand experience in research. Pre-docs also allow students to evaluate whether the PhD track is right for them, knowing that even if they don't continue to graduate school, they now have the skills to compete in the job market.
While most pre-doc positions only require a BA, the application process can be competitive—especially if you have yet to take an undergrad statistics or computer science class.
However, PREDOC is here to help! We have an abundance of resources available for budding scholars: our job board that features full-time post-baccalaureate roles at institutions in the US and abroad; a part-time page for paid research opportunities relevant to current undergraduates; asynchronous and synchronous courses designed to prepare students in database and coding training; fellowship stipends; office hours with social scientists; etc.
Join our upcoming session on March 30th at 5:00 pm for more information on our organization's potential role in your success! PREDOC representatives will shed more light on where a pre-doc fits in a career pathway and the steps early undergraduates such as yourself need to start taking to prepare to apply for one. We'll also use this space to identify talented students who might be a good fit for PREDOC opportunities in the future.
This event is ideal for undergraduates just starting in QSS research or those who need help with their academic trajectory. We encourage students from all disciplines.