A Community Conversation About Sex in the Dark
Pride Week
University Center : 201D
Date & Time
April 27, 2023, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Are you looking to start a relationship and want some advice? Do you and your partner want tips to keep your romance alive? Do you have questions related to your identity and potential sexual and/or romantic partners? Come ask our Sex-perts at Sex in the Dark!
A blend of The Office of Health Promotion’s Sex in the Dark and Community Conversation series, this discussion will explore the stigma and mental barriers that get in the way of having honest, open discussions about experiencing a diagnosis of a sexually-transmitted infection, best practices regarding sexual consent, and simply the importance of engaging in healthy sex. No questions are unwelcome!
Sex in the Dark aims to support a sex-positive campus culture by providing sex-positive health information and promoting campus and community resources. Sex-perts answer participant questions, either in-person or submitted in advance anonymously about topics relating but not limited to sexual pleasure, communication and consent, anatomy, safer sex practices, and sexual identity. This session will highlight LGBTQIA2+ experiences.
Bring all your questions and let our panel of Sex-perts answer them. This sex-positive event is welcoming to anyone regardless of their sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, or gender expression. We promise that no question is too simple or too outrageous - let's keep sex, love, and relationships fun and safe! Anonymously submit your burning questions to our Sex-perts using the OHP form located in The Pride Center's Linktree (coming soon).
Our i3b staff strives to create the most inclusive environment possible. If you need to request a disability-based accommodation or have any questions? Contact us at i3b@umbc.edu. For our uploaded event recordings, attendee lists, works cited, and other materials, please check out our Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion & Belonging (i3b) Events Drive. Materials will be available in this Google Drive within one business week after the event unless otherwise specified.