Community Conversations
Spiritual Well-Being
The Center for Well-Being : 103
Date & Time
April 19, 2023, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
A community can be a vital tool to help all of us get through life’s ups and downs and celebrate our big and small moments. Community Conversations is an interactive event that will help students understand the role of community in supporting their well-being and mental health. This conversation will also highlight what it means to “show up” for others.
Whether it is the joy and support that comes from shared community, the role of spiritual practices and rituals in centering and grounding ourselves, or clear frameworks and ethics that help folks make better sense of the world around them, religion and spirituality can be important sources of well-being and mental health. Yet, we also know that these same systems and understandings can also lead to negative outcomes for well-being and mental health. During this session, we will explore the intersection between religion and spirituality with well-being and mental health, including how to support others and connect them with spiritual and religious resources at UMBC and beyond.