UMBC Transit to Catonsville Farmers' Market
Piloting on 11th - Participation Needed!
Off Campus
Date & Time
November 9, 2016, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Glenville Hollow will have ASPARAGUS, bok choi, mustard and kale greens, spring onions and STRAWBERRIES; Deep Run Farms will have swiss chard, lettuce, onions and beets; Audias Farm will have beautiful transplants that you can finally plant into the ground this weekend...looks like... the sun will start to hang around more! King Mushrooms will have more of those beautiful and delicious pink oyster mushrooms; Kite Hill Farm will have plenty of delicious meats for your weekend grilling; Max's Degrees will have all the spices you need for those meats; Little Paris will have delicious breads and pastries; Wilsons Farm Market will have gorgeous lettuce (lettuce likes all the rain) for healthy salads and beautiful flowers to brighten your weekend!