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Career Corner: Waystation

Career Corner Waystation


The Commons : Zone

Date & Time

December 1, 2016, 10:00 am2:00 pm


Stop by and visit with representatives from Way Station, Inc.

Way Station’s Mission Statement

Way Station, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing compassionate and quality behavioral health care, housing, and employment services to: adults with mental illness, developmental disabilities, and substance addictions; children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral challenges; and veterans with service needs.
Way Station embraces the principles of recovery and resiliency and is committed to providing evidence-based, consumer-driven, and family-focused services.

Guiding Principles

Accountability and Integrity – Commitment to our mission. Truth in action and responsiveness. Conducting ourselves in an ethical, honest and forthright manner. Informed decision-making. Clear communication. Compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards. Corporate and social responsibility.
Standards of Quality – Striving for excellence. Meeting professional standards and continuously improving all aspects of our work.
Partnership and Collaboration – Working together discovering our common ground and collective strength.
Inspiration – Promoting hope and recovery. Envisioning opportunity.span class=”redfont”>Respect and Cultural Diversity – Appreciating and cultivating unity in diversity. Fostering an environment that embraces and celebrates the diversity of all our constituents. Consideration for differing perspectives.
Empowerment – Finding strength within. Encouraging the autonomy of both our consumers and staff using teamwork to achieve individualized goals and personal growth and development. Assuring accessibility.
Learning Environment – Enhancing professional knowledge and skills through inquiry, teaching, learning, and research.
Safety – Providing a safe environment for consumers, staff, volunteers, and visitors.
Innovation – Using the expertise and creativity of our staff, as well as the latest scientific advancements, to create a system that is a model for others.
Values and Fiscal Responsibility – Assuring that our services are effective and that the cost of our services appropriately reflects their value. Operating in a fiscally responsible and cost efficient manner.
Caring – Providing services with empathy, compassion, and sensitivity.