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USDA Application Packet Drop

ATTENTION Graduate and Undergraduate Students!


University Center : 312

Date & Time

October 20, 2016, 8:30 am4:00 pm


The US Department of Agriculture is coming to UMBC to recruit BOTH undergraduates and graduate students for multiple intern and full-time positions.

Come in person to their recruiting event on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20TH between 8:30am-4pm.  

TO APPLY you must bring your RESUME and UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS.  If you are claiming veteran preference, additional documents are required. 

Below are several examples of available positions:

Information regarding additional positions can be found HERE.  You may also contact Geeriee Lewis at Geeriee.B.Lewis@usda.gov or 301-851-2870 with questions.

ALSO, to learn more about these roles, the USDA will be on campus to meet you at their Information Session, Wednesday, October 19th – 5-7:30pm – Commons 331