Arbutus Restaurant Week - Free Taxi Sign-up Here!
Sunday, March 26th - Saturday, April 1st.
Off Campus
March 26, 2017 – Apr 1, 2017 (All Day Event)
In a creative collaboration, the UMBC Arbutus Engagement Committee along with the Greater Arbutus Business Association (GABA), will be partnering to host their first ever - Arbutus Restaurant Week!
Arbutus Restaurant Week will be held Sunday, March 26th- Saturday, April 1st.
Special thanks to UMBC Transit who will be offering free taxi ride to and from Arbutus during Restaurant Week. For information regarding special times and locations, please visit myUMBC - Transit group page.
Call UMBC Transit for a free Taxi ride - 410.455.2454
Destination - Downtown Arbutus
Departure from campus - UMBC Commons Circle
Sign-up below by clicking "I Can Attend"!