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NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Information Session


The Commons : Room 331

Date & Time

December 5, 2017, 5:00 pm6:00 pm


Learn about NASA Internships with a focus on Space Communications and Navigation
Audience: Engineers, Scientists, Business, Finance, Communications, Art, Design, Technical Writing, and other creative fields.
Purpose: Now is the time to apply for Summer Internships
Information: The SCaN/ESC Summer Intern Program will be conducting University Question and Answer sessions to help recruit students to our positions. This is an opportunity for students to learn more about internships at NASA and our specific program in Space Communications and Navigation. We host not only engineering internships, but also business, financial, and creative. Overall we are open to hiring a variety of key students who will contribute innovative ideas to our daily work. Positions will begin to be posted in NASA’s OSSI system as well as listed on our website.  
Info about our work: NASA's Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program Office, a division of the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, provides programmatic oversight of NASA's networks, advanced communication technologies, and other space communication requirements. These capabilities form the backbone of all NASA missions, providing critical connectivity from spacecraft to ground. SCaN provides the strategic guidance necessary to ensure NASA's space communication resources continue to meet the needs of their customers and the agency for years to come. SCaN is actively engaged in the wider international community dedicated to interoperability and compatibility for space communications and navigation.