Leadershops: Fall 2021 Series
Going Farther Together
Leadershops: Fall 2021 Series – Online Event
Date & Time
November 18, 2021, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Going farther together is about working as a team to achieve a common vision or goal. Attendees will learn about the process of leadership through team-building and capitalizing on difference. This workshop is perfect for students looking to get involved in student organizations or are new members in a student organization/group/team. To register for this session, click "Going" below! Meeting link will be posted here and sent to your UMBC email.
The Leadershops Series consists of workshops that focus on various student centered leadership-related topics facilitated by Campus Life staff and student leaders. This program aims to contribute to the leadership development and ongoing learning of UMBC undergraduate students.
For questions, or if you're interested in being added to our mailing-list to receive the most up-to-date Leadership Development updates and opportunities? Contact Beatriz Gutiérrez-Malagón at bgutierrez@umbc.edu