Starting Your Semester Right: How RIH Supports Mental Health
What type of mental health support is right for you?
Starting Your Semester Right: How RIH Supports Mental Health – Online Event
Date & Time
February 8, 2024, 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm
It's not uncommon for students to feel stressed, overwhelmed, or unmotivated at times during their college career. Retriever Integrated Health has a variety of options to support student mental health including online supports, workshops, and clinical services.
Join our virtual information session to learn about what each type of support is and what might work best for you! Just click on the green "Join Online Event" button above to meet some of our staff and get your questions answered.
If you need accommodations for a disability, please contact Stephanie Will ( at least one week prior to the start of the workshop and RIH will arrange for services.
All RIH services are LGBTQIA2S+ friendly and are welcoming to all diverse populations.